Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pure Morning

Continuing the song titles... it's late, and here are some quickies.

  • The Playstation 3 will apparently be delayed again as Sony tries once more to force its proprietary media format on an unsuspecting market. The DVD format wars are getting to be even more ridiculous than the +/- debacle of yesteryear.

  • Speaking of debacles, instead of creating a simple-to-understand, definitive version to buy, Microsoft has proclaimed that Windows Vista will have no less than six boxed formats available for purchase. Honestly, we've got things called DVDs now. Linux can somehow cram more setups than you can shake a stick at on only one disc (though, given, Linux is much more segmented and chop-friendly than Windows could ever aspire to be). Now we need six separate, empirically different versions of the same operating system? I can only imagine this being a support nightmare as the techie on the phone tries frantically to figure out the differences between Vista Home Basic and Vista Home Premium.

  • From the Who-Didn't-See-This-Coming Dept. comes news that, due to financial difficulties (surprise!), the Phantom game console has been put on hold for an indeterminate period of time while they lose money elsewhere. I can't believe Penny Arcade didn't get wind of this earlier and really dig into them, knowing their history with Infinium Labs.

That's all for tonight. I'll already likely be sleeping through my recitation this morning, though I desperately need the information. We shall see what transpires in the later morn.