Friday, February 24, 2006



I realized upon developing my latest roll of film that I'll have to redo one of my projects and fiddle with another to get a workable picture. Photography is definitely my most stressful class, for some reason. I'm pretty confident in Physics, Calc and SAGES now, and I don't really care about Engineering 145 one way or the other. It's a bullshit class for a Comp. Sci., anyways.

I'm slowly but surely working on code for MY WEBSIGHT. I've always been meaning to learn CSS, but I never really had any reason to because all free hosting system available sucked. Now I've got university bandwidth to waste, plus possibly a Google Page for extra storage. I might as well dig into PHP, too, while I'm at it... maybe SQL if I'm feeling daring. Not like the resources aren't available to me here to learn it.

Today I am to develop pictures after classes... hopefully they'll turn out better than the last batch. Fingers crossed.