Monday, October 02, 2006


New bill contains provisions detailing exactly why it cannot be declared illegal to pass. In fact, pointing out the obvious and stating that it is a breach of democracy to bypass judicial review could land you in jail by breaching your allegiance to President Bush.

This game sucks.

Migraines also suck.

One game that does not suck, however, is Company of Heroes. Although it's the same group that made Dawn of War, Company of Heroes just seems more... awesome and less of a chore. It's hard to explain but it involves lots of awesome.

This is my second week working with PerceptIS (I started last Monday morning). It's... interesting. Dealing with users is always a good time, like the ones who turn their computer in on a Friday afternoon and come in Monday complaining their computer's not done yet... ahem. At least it's money, and I'm "in" the "industry" (inasmuch as technical support and counseling is the real "industry"). Woot.