Sunday, May 14, 2006


Okay, someone was bugging me to update, so I guess I will.

School year #1 is officially over. Final grades:

Calc III: A
Photography Studio I: A
Physics I: B
Chem. of Materials: C

At least I'm done with chemistry now and can actually focus on classes that have real information.

So basically my time now has been spent worrying over what to do for a summer job. Basically, I have no idea what's good to do or where's good to go to. All jobs kinda suck. I'm hoping I can get some sort of job at Case next semester or maybe apply for a job with PerceptIS. I'm trying to both convince myself to look for a job ASAP and put it out of my mind so I stop worrying, which isn't very conducive to fixing the situation or putting money in my pocket. Hopefully an opportunity will present itself.