- There appears to be a winner to the WinXP on Mac contest, wherein someone will win a cash pool for proving they have successfully booted Windows XP on a new Intel Mac. Unfortunately, I can't see this being very useful for the average Joe who just wants to dual-boot, but it's nice to know that it can be done anyways.
- Someone took the sounds from the classic Mario games and added them to the Gogo fight from Kill Bill Vol. 1. Hilarity ensues.
- [via Digg] Apparently, the jalapeƱo component capsaicin is lethal to certain forms of cancer. Ouch. I guess all those Quaker Steak wings really do help after all. Boy, are the side effects bad, though.
- Finally, from the Traumatically Ironic department, a deaf girl was hit by a train while text-messaging her family. From TFA:
McAvoy was walking northbound along the railroad ties, with her back to the train as it approached, said Austin Police Department detective David Fugitt.
A snowplow -- commonly referred to as "cattle-guards" for pushing items away from the tracks to avoid train damage -- was what struck McAvoy, who was estimated to be "no more than a foot" from the tracks, Fugitt said.
Hopefully since all the doods from OSU are arriving back today we'll be able to have some sort of shindig tonight. Tomorrow I have to do some homework and maybe pack for a bit, since I'll effectively be leaving Friday afternoon due to a sleepover at Alex's and the impending Fakeball draft (which I've done zero planning for). Then Saturday I go right from Alex's to pick up Laura at the airport, then we head back to Case where I can prepare for the Dream Theater concert the next day. Phew.
More coffee...