Thursday, March 02, 2006

W-W-W-Wednesday: Microsoft

Woo, Wednesday night. I get to sleep in tomorrow, then finish my photography stuffs and do Physics homework.

Some interesting stuff:

  • So, the Origami rumors were true. Could be interesting - but tablet PCs are old hat now. Maybe I'm just jaded, but I'm much more excited for an Apple tablet/slate than anything Microsoft could dish up.

  • Also, Microsoft claims that it will surpass Google in six months. From TFA:
    "What we're saying is that in six months' time we'll be more relevant in the U.S. market place than Google," said Neil Holloway, Microsoft president for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

    "The quality of our search and the relevance of our search from a solution perspective to the consumer will be more relevant," he told the Reuters Global Technology, Media and Telecoms Summit.
    Everyone knows that Google's been a thorn in the side of Microsoft for years, but can they really back this up? Do people actually want Microsoft's search? I honestly haven't used anything but Google for my searches in what must be years. I just don't see a reason.

  • Lastly, yet more loony allegations from the RIAA. Some day, they'll understand - but for now, it's much too entertaining to watch them flail about and sue grandmothers and nonsense.

We shall see what the rest of the night brings.